About Us
We are Fiona Baker and Steve Somerville, and we are creating our farm together along with our four children Jack, Grace, Sasha, and William (Wills).
We grow, hunt, forage, and fish. Wildwood is both a learning experience for our guests, and ourselves. Creating and teaching comes hand in hand with participating in the workshops and camps, and there are always new approaches, insights, and knowledge to be shared by all. We share our home with our farm animal friends and abundant wildlife including ducks, chickens, sheep, bees, and pigs (and hopefully soon milking goats!). Slowly, we are regenerating our pasture, planting more fruit trees in the orchard, and expanding our biointensive vegetable gardens.
So why not come on the journey with us "by exercising practical skills and applying down-to-earth knowledge of how things work," (Richard Heinberg).
See you at Wildwood!